
Monday, April 18, 2011

Et al

Learned something new today.

How many times have you heard the Crucifixion story? 

Jesus is on the cross, he says "it is finished," he takes his last breath and he dies.

Tetelasti.  That's the Greek word.  It means 'it is done" but in terms of the culture in 1st/2nd century Greece this word would have indicated that a debt was "paid in full."  While it translates to "it is done" or "it is finished" the word was used to confirm a debt had been paid.  Insert profound pause here.  Our Savior, brutally broken, punished, beaten and nailed to the cross said "tetelasti" - you debt has been paid in full.

Also, following the Greek lesson, I learned a new word: kairos.  It means the "right or opportune moment" and when a pastor expounded on that word and it's translation he went on to say it meant "a moment that changed the world"  Jesus's crucifixion and our bill being "paid in full" - what a kairos moment.

I cannot help but think of my Dad at Easter, it was his favorite time of year.  Spring flowers blooming, grapes budding on the vines and the glory of Easter all combined into a glorious celebration in his heart.  The joy of the season comes with still so much "missing" - but the comfort that "paid in full" brings, even my mending heart, is an opportune moment, is a kairos moment to experience all that the story of Jesus can bring. 

It strikes me that the same tug between grief and joy is an essential part of the Easter story.  You cannot experience the joy without the sorrow.  How poetic that I would be emotionally toiling over this during the very season in the church that exemplifies the journey of death into life and life into death. 

I pray that you experience all that Easter has in store, whatever it may be for you.  Prayers lifted for those that cannot experience all of the joy that is there for the taking because of illness, tragedy, grief, depression, addiction, sadness or loneliness.  I am not much on issuing a challenge but if I could, on a personal level, ask you all to say a prayer yourself for someone you know needs it this Easter. 

Redemption, salvation, mercy, grace and peace are all tied to the foot of that cross.  Share with someone that their debt is paid in full.