
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

31 years and 9 months ago my in-laws made a miracle...

Happy Birthday to my hub! The miracle that God gave the Beatty family 31 years ago today is the one of the brightest spots of my day. From his newly balded head to his beaming smile, this man is my biggest fan, my best friend, my most confidential confidante, my angel in a Lowe's vest -LOL! He has been there at my weakest and at my darkest hour and stood beside me for the last 8 years making my life journey with him rewarding, challenging, delightful, joyful, sometimes a hot mess, but mostly an amazingly interesting. Never a dull moment and never a moment where his smile doesn't get the better of me:) So, to the man I love, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! To the father of the two most amazing little boys in my world: WE LOVE YOU DAD! God Bless you and keep you around to chase me around the house for the next...oh...60 years, at least! :-)

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