
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Don't give it a second thought

The only thing you'll ever be able to completely depend upon is the love of God and his mercy that endures always.  I learn over and over and over that my trust in people, things, places, etc is misguided in the smallest and most mundane of cirumstances as well as the most dire...

If you have a thought in your heart about something, dollars to doughnuts it's there because someone bigger and smarter than any of us is putting that doubt in your heart - don't even give it a second thought.  Fear is not doubt - doubt is looking dubiously at a situation that requires more than just a glance and listening to that still small voice. 

To me, that still small voice is implanted deeply in our souls and does guide us to know, believe, say, do and act upon what is in our best interest.  Have you listened to your still small voice today?


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